Parish, Seminary and School Review – October 2010

In April 2010, Bishop Samuel Aquila announced that the seminary program at Cardinal Muench Seminary in Fargo would be discontinued at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year due to the high cost of education and low enrollment. The loss of the seminary program is difficult for past and current seminarians and the many people who have supported the seminary throughout the years. CMS played a vital role in the history of the diocese and we are thankful to God for the gift it has been. This change, however, as with every change God places before us, provides an opportunity. Today we are called to look at the seminary property through a new lens, and to ask the question: How can the seminary facility best serve the faithful of the diocese in the future?
There is also a need to review how the Catholic churches and schools in the Fargo metro area (Fargo, West Fargo, Horace and Kindred) should respond to changing demographics.…
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