Mission Statement
Founded in 1960, Nativity Parish began at the dawn of Vatican II, and grew through years of significant change in the understanding of what it means to be Catholic. Finding our identity in the mystery of the Incarnation, we seek to continue bearing God’s love to the world in human form.
We are a community united by the common bond of baptism and faith. A people diverse in our education, economic stature and spirituality, we are committed to sharing our talents and energies to witness Christ’s presence in the world and to serve the reign of God in the spirit of Vatican II.
In our ongoing need for conversion, we believe that the needs of the parish are: to build up the spiritual well-being through prayer, sacrament, and worship; to develop responsible leadership in the developmental process of our councils; to develop responsible attitudes toward stewardship and social justice; and to promote acceptance and growth within our community
through education and evangelization.
We provide opportunities which will enable members of the community to know their dignity, talent, and responsibility; to embrace God’s presence, power, and love within themselves; and to be confident in their ability to share these gifts with others through ministry.