Proposal for parishes and schools in Fargo, West Fargo and Horace Meetings
- Tues, Feb. 1, or Thurs., Feb. 3, from 7-9:30 p.m., or Sat., Feb. 5 from 9-11:30 a.m. (need attend only one, information is repeated) For parishioners of any parishes included in the study, parish staff, Catholic school staff and families: Feb. 1 (evening) at St. Anthony’s social hall; Feb. 3 (evening) at Sts. Anne & Joachim’s social hall; Feb. 5 (morning) at Holy Cross’ Crossway Center.
This is an initial meeting which will provide an overview of the proposal and will have a time for questions and answers to clarify aspects of the proposal. Key messages from this initial meeting will be carried forward to the following meeting. - Tues, Feb. 15, or Thurs., Feb. 17, from 7-9:30 p.m., or Sat., Feb. 19 from 9-11:30 a.m. (need attend only one, information is repeated) For parishioners of any parishes included in the study, parish staff, Catholic school staff and families: Feb. 15 (evening) at Holy Cross’ Crossway Center, Feb. 17 (evening) at St. Anthony’s social hall; Feb. 19 (morning) at Sts. Anne & Joachim’s social hall.
In this meeting, the proposal will be more deeply assessed, looking at benefits, concerns, questions and ideas for refinement. This meeting will provide a valuable means of consultation on the proposal.
For information regarding the proposal, please visit the Diocese of Fargo Website ( You download the latest bulletin insert by clicking here.